Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the official name of Factory Works and is it a charitable organization?

Historic Neighborhood Trust, Inc. is the legal business name of Factory Works. Historic Neighborhood Trust, Inc., doing business as Factory Works is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization registered with the IRS (EIN 27-0083507) and approved to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Are donations to Factory Works deductible on federal income tax?

Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. You should consult your tax preparer for current allowable limits.

If I direct my donation to a specific program (donor-designated option on the donation page), will my donation be used specifically for that program?

Donor-designated donations are restricted for the use of the designated program by law and cannot be used for any other purpose by Factory Works.

What are the programs of Factory Works?

There are four Factory Works programs: Williamsport Bicycle Recycle, Factory Works Clay Studio, Williamsport Community Woodshop, and Factory Works Photo Lab. All are located in the Pajama Factory and can be reached by calling 570-360-9321. Listen to the menu to be directed to the specific program.

Does Factory Works have any paid employees?

No. Factory Works is an all-volunteer organization and has no paid employees. All directors, managers, monitors and others are volunteering their time to ensure that Factory Works and its programs meet its mission. If you are looking for a meaningful and engaging volunteer opportunity, consider volunteering with us.

Does Factory Works manage rentals for events or rentals of studio, commercial, or residential leasing at the Pajama Factory?

No. The Pajama Factory oversees event rentals and the leasing of studios, commercial spaces, and residential properties on its premises. For inquiries, reach out to The Pajama Factory via email at [email protected], explore their website at, or contact them at 570-323-7650. It’s important to note that Factory Works, a separate entity, focuses on education and community building and is not involved in real estate management.

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